This patch requires an Original Copy of Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode 4. Just place the files as If you're applying the English patch. Follow the readme files for further instructions.

Umineko fan story - Shattered, Part 1 (Rapidshare) (Mediafire)
This story contains spoilers and characters from Umineko VN Episode 4.
I welcome you, to Shattered.
This is a fan story. I am not a writer nor an official of 07th Expansion. This work is just a non profit project that I had in my mind for some time.
This tale tells the story of Virgilia. You should read them after finishing Episode 4.
I haven't read Episode 5 (Chiru) yet, thus, my story is likely to have some contradictions with that episode. I ask you to bear that in mind, when reading this.
Since I'm not a native English speaker, it is very possible to have errors, be it in grammar or sentences. If you're a native speaker and have good knowledge of written English, please contact me.
I plan to release a series of this tale. So far 3 parts are written down on text.
First part should be around 20 to 45 minutes long, depending on the reader.
Please read the `Readme First` file within the Fan Story Patch for installation.
I hope you enjoy reading the tale, for all I know, I enjoyed writing it, a lot.

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